Research done on historic trees in Italy shows that replacing soil with expanded aggregate helps to retrench and regenerate the root system. At the 2014 European Arboricultural Conference, I heard this great talk. The speaker was kind enough to send me a translated version of the ppt: see Luigi pdf root regen english . Slides 41-43.
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Citizens Rooted against Duke Power
Tyson Affidavit 150610
Here’s the affidavit written to support two tree owner’s rights to own and manage their trees.
Presenting Arboricultural Alternatives
Pacific Northwesters, I hope to see you in Bend, Oregon, September 20-22, 2015!
Here’s the program: file:///C:/Users/Guy/Downloads/PNW-ISA%20ATC%202015_Schedule%20at%20a%20Glance_060115.pdf
1. Tree Academy Sunday, September 20, 2015, 1-5:00 p.m.
Forcing Change to Large Trees: Smaller, Safer, Natural
Can we preserve the dignity of large-maturing trees while maintaining them at a smaller size? When should these trees be removed or retained, kept or killed? Restoration pruning after the storm has taught us that in many cases we must ‘head’ for better form. Veteran trees have historically been managed by pollarding and other crown reduction pruning. Bonsai are managed for centuries by specified pruning of branches and roots. We’ll see how these and other experiences can inform size control of trees in several different scenarios.
2. Field Day Monday, September 21, 2015
Kick Butt Rot! Decay and Tree Risk Management
Decay at the lower stem, flare and roots, aka “butt rot” can be managed by inspection, treatment and monitoring. Follow the ANSI A300 tree inspection standard as we assess big old trees in the park. Use the TRAQ and other forms to organize your observations. Enhance compartmentalization by surgery, sanitation, and heat treatment. Build long-term recovery with specified soil modifications using calcium, ‘good-guy’ microbes, and porous aggregate. Document strength gain on monitoring visits. Give trees a chance, to adapt to their environment, and our management.
3. Conference Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Changing Views of Hollow Trees: Forces within the Standards
Myths abound around hollowness in trees. Arborists are taught to manage decay with fear, loathing, and engineering formulas. But decay is beneficial–it recycles waste, decreases load, and improves flexibility. Aging trees naturally shed unneeded branches and heartwood, as they grow new branches and roots, closer to the core.
When in doubt about tree care, we read the directions! The German and US standards will be used to establish the objective, and write specifications that fit on a notecard. The trees respond, teaching tree owners and arborists how to work with, and trust, the tree.