Historic Tree Care manages tree benefits, health, and risk.Our arborists identify all reasonable options to manage tree conditions before specifying treatments.

Historic Tree Care measured this Florida State champion live oak at 87′ 9″ tall with a crown spread of 154′ and a trunk girth of 31′ 2″.
Drawn from international tree care standards, our specifications minimize liabilities while maximizing benefits. Using techniques old and new, we provide tree inspection, diagnosis, root invigoration, pruning, structural support, lightning protection, and health care services. We partner with local experts on historic trees around the world, for sustainable and affordable care.
Principal arborist Guy Meilleur (may-er’) has been providing commercial tree care since 1965, and consulting, testifying, and writing about arboriculture since 1982. Author of over 50 peer-reviewed articles, Guy seeks to practice better tree care with the best arborists.
Please contact us for a free e-consultation!